Al Jazeera

The Curse of Palm Oil

For some, forests are just expansive areas of unused land but for others, it’s home.

Gaza’s amputee football team

This man who lost his leg in an Israeli raid on Gaza is helping other amputees play football.

From Central America to the US, follow the journey of asylum seekers

Every year, thousands of people travel across South America in hopes of crossing the US border.

Illegal Fishing in Sierra Leone

Known for their abundant and rich fishing grounds, countries like Sierra Leone in West Africa have become an epicentre for illegal fishing.

Locals of Mexico’s pristine freshwater lagoon are saying: enough is enough!

With the increase of tourism in Mexico’s pristine freshwater lagoon, the ecosystem has come under threat.

Fighting favela prejudice in Rio with street poetry

Through her rhymes, MC Dall Farra unveils her daily struggles against the violence, racism, unemployment and inequality she faces…

El Salvador’s coffin town

With murder rates skyrocketing in El Salvador, this tiny town has become the world’s coffin-making capital.

Sao Paulo highway reclaimed by pedestrians

This 3.5 km-long highway in Sao Paulo turns into a playground for cyclists, skaters, and runners on weekends.

Restoring Tunisia’s Treasures

This video is part of our series with Samsung, “My People, Our Stories,” where we train and equip young African and Arab filmmakers in 360 storytelling.

Inside a Rohingya Refugee Camp

Go inside a refugee camp and experience what the living conditions of the Rohingya muslims are in Bangladesh.

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