climate change

This is Climate Change: Feast

Brazil’s ecologically valuable rainforest is threatened by loggers. Can the Amazon survive the growing global demand for beef?

This is Climate Change: Fire

Experience the scorching California fires of 2017, and follow the dedicated fighters—by air and on the ground.

Climate Change in Fiji: ‘Our Home, Our People’

‘Vei lomani’ is a Fijian expression meaning ‘love in action’, and it is a value at the heart of Fijian life.

The Future of the Dead Sea

“The Dead Sea is dying – and we’re not sure if we can save it.” Take a 360 tour with ecologist Ofir Katz.

Journey to Antarctica

Take a journey to Antarctica with Al Jazeera English, meeting penguins and investigating the effects of climate change.

The Changing World Around Us With Al Gore and Jared Leto

The global climate crisis. The sixth mass extinction. We are living at a time of large-scale, unprecedented change.

Inside The Arctic Doomsday Seed Vault For The First Time

For years now, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault has been collecting seeds in case a natural disaster or food crisis breaks out.

A Journey to the Arctic

Have you always wanted to meet a polar bear eye to eye? We’re excited to tell you that now you can…

Jared Leto Tour Guides Alaska’s Melting Glaciers: Ready For 100

Just two months shy of the international climate negotiations in Paris, this transports you to the front lines of Alaska’s Glaciers.

Sierra Club: Ready for 100

Jared Leto takes you to Alaska to experience climate change and shows you why America is #Readyfor100.

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