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Indonesia’s Disappearing Villages

Meet Dulhaji, whose village in Indonesia is at threat of disappearing due to rising sea levels.

From Central America to the US, follow the journey of asylum seekers

Every year, thousands of people travel across South America in hopes of crossing the US border.

Illegal Fishing in Sierra Leone

Known for their abundant and rich fishing grounds, countries like Sierra Leone in West Africa have become an epicentre for illegal fishing.

Fighting favela prejudice in Rio with street poetry

Through her rhymes, MC Dall Farra unveils her daily struggles against the violence, racism, unemployment and inequality she faces…

Coffee Improves Skid Row Community

A young activist on Skid Row uses coffee to bring together his community. Special thanks to Javon and Skidrow Coffee.

Undocumented and Squatting in Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, a collective of rejected asylum seekers are forced to squat in different abandoned buildings. This Sudanese national has been doing it for the past 16 years.

Delhi’s last 7 elephants

These are the last pet elephants to be seen walking the streets of New Delhi.

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